




Frédéric François Chopin (1 March 1810 – 17 October 1849), was a Polish composer and virtuoso pianist of the Romantic era who wrote primarily for solo piano. He loved Polish folk music since childhood and composed Polonaise at the age of seven. He started to perform on stage at the age of eight and became famous before the age of twenty. On October 17, 1849, Chopin died of tuberculosis in Paris. He has created about 200 compositions in his life, including 2 piano concertos, 3 piano trios, 3 piano sonatas, 4 Ballades, 4 Scherzos, 27 Etudes, 16 Polonaises, 17 Waltzes, 21 Nocturnes, 4 Impromptus, 3 Ecossaises; in addition, there are boleros, barcarolles, lullabies, variations, etc., a total of 21 volumes. He is known as a “poetic piano genius”.

弗雷德里克·弗朗索瓦·肖邦(Frédéric François Chopin)(1810年3月1日至1849年10月17日)是波兰浪漫主义时期的作曲家和钢琴演奏家,主要为独奏钢琴写作。 他从小就热爱波兰民间音乐,并在七岁时创作了波兰舞曲。 他从八岁开始在台上表演,并在二十岁之前成名。 1849年10月17日,肖邦在巴黎死于结核病。 他一生创作了约200首作品,包括:2首钢琴协奏曲,3首钢琴三重奏,3首钢琴奏鸣曲,4首叙事曲,4首诙谐曲,27首练习曲,16首波兰舞曲,17首华尔兹,21首夜曲,4首即兴曲,3首埃柯赛斯舞曲; 此外,还有波莱罗舞曲,船歌,摇篮曲,变奏曲等,共21卷。 他被称为“钢琴诗人”。


The high ideological value of Chopin's music is that it reflects a side of the general trend of the European bourgeois national movement in the 1830s and 1940s, screaming out the angry and defiant voice of the oppressed and enslaved Polish nation. Chopin's music has a strong Polish national style. His attitude towards national folk music was very serious, he was against novels, yet, not bound by it. He had a deep understanding and mastery of music creation methods of Western Europe at that time and used it as the starting point for his creation so that his music had a rigorous and complete art form that had a profound connection with the classic. He dared to boldly breakthrough tradition and innovate. This is particularly manifested in his deep excavation and enrichment of the potential artistic expression of a series of musical genres such as preludes, etudes, narratives, nocturnes, impromptu, etc., by endowing them new social content. His melody has a high degree of emotional expression and is full of personality; his harmony language is novel and bold. All these factors combine to form a novel and unique Chopin style, which has contributed to the historical development of European music.


Appreciation #1  Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 66 幻想即兴曲


It was this piano piece that first brought me into the world of Chopin, and it was also the first time I encountered a challenge when practicing it when I was in my eighth grade.  This composition is in ternary form. Its difficulty lies in the continuous sextuplet of the left hand aligning with the quick quadruplet of the right hand in the first and third movements, which is in C-Sharp minor. This combination of a different rhythm and quick tempo cause people to have a sense of illusion. The middle movement is in D-flat major and a much slower tempo with a lyrical melody, which brings the listener into a beautiful world of fantasy. The melody ending is repeated in the bass as if the world in the fantasy is still fading.    

This is a work by Chopin at the age of twenty-four (1834), but it was not discovered by his descendants in the sheet music folder until his death and was published in 1855. The title "Fantasy" was taken at the time of publication.

正是首钢琴曲最初将我带入了肖邦的世界,也是我八年级时第一次在练琴时时遇到困难。 这首曲子是升C小调,三段式。 它的困难在于在第一和第三段中,左手的快速六连音与右手的四连音的错位。这种错位的技法和快速的节奏的结合使听众产生幻想,就如曲子的标题所说。 中间段乐章是降D大调,节奏较慢,带有抒情旋律,这使听众进入了一个美丽的幻想世界。 结尾低音中重复的重复旋律,仿佛幻想中的世界仍在脑海中。有意犹未尽之感


Appreciation #2 Nocturne Op. 9 No. 1 in B-flat Minor 降B小调夜曲


While the “Fantasy” opens the first door to the world of Chopin, this Nocturne made me completely obsessed with Chopin. The first melody successfully caught the ears of audiences into the dream world. This piece is in ternary form and a slow tempo. The use of ornaments in the right hands and the soft arpeggio of the left hands described the beautiful night of nature. The key changed to D-flat major in the middle section, and the pure and lyrical melody made the mood more dreamy. Then, it went back to the main melody. During the up climbing of the pitches, it dissipated like a ray of smoke before reaching the highest pitch. As the melody continued to climb, the climax arrives. After another repetition of this melody, the mood had quietly changed, and the sense of slight dissonance in harmony appeared as if it were a trace of fluctuation in a sweet dream. Slowly, the waves gradually smoothed, everything seemed to slowly dissipate, and the light slowly dimmed, just as everything was about to disappear, the familiar melody at the beginning sounded again, bringing the listener into the quiet forest floating forward in the trail. Finally, there are three chords like the church bells in the distance, which makes people feel quiet and comfortable. The dream-like mood gradually goes away and finally disappears…

This nocturne, together with the next two, was written in 1830-1832 and published in 1833. It is the earliest nocturne published by Chopin and dedicated to Mrs. Mary-Pryel.



Appreciation #3 Waltz in D-flat major, Op. 64, No. 1, “Waltz of the puppy” 小狗圆舞曲


This piece was created in 1846, dedicated to George Sand, who conducted a relationship with Chopin between 1837 and 1847. It is said that, as Chopin was composing the music for this piece, a little dog named Marquis was running around the house in which he was composing, gleefully chasing its tail. This waltz is also called “Minute Waltz” because it's short and in a fast tempo. The piece is in ternary form, triple meter. After the four-bar introduction, a rapid repetitive rotation melody pattern appeared, depicting how the puppy spun quickly chasing its tail. The tune is lively, witty, and funny. The second part is a beautiful and lyrical waltz theme, as if the puppy ran for a rest, lay down, and rested for a moment, laziness and comfort. The third part is back to the fast main melody, just like the game where the puppy starts chasing the tail after the rest, until the end of the music.

It was one of his final compositions. Chopin’s health was rapidly failing at the time of composing. He included the piece in his last ever concert in Paris in 1848, the year before he passed away (Palmer 2019).

这首作品创作于1846年,献给乔治·桑德(George Sand),后者在1837年至1847年间与肖邦有着暧昧关系。据说当时肖邦正在写这首曲子的时候,一只叫侯爵(Marquis)的小狗在他正在房屋中四处奔跑,兴高采烈地追逐着自己的尾巴绕圈圈。这首圆舞曲又短又快,因此也被称为“分钟华尔兹”。此曲是三段式,三拍子。在四小节引子之后,出现了快速重复的旋律,描绘了小狗如何快速追逐尾巴。乐曲生动活泼,风趣幽默。第二部分是一个美丽而抒情的主题,仿佛小狗奔跑后,躺下休息了一会儿,懒惰和舒适。第三部分回到快速的主旋律,小狗重新开始追逐尾巴,直到音乐结束。


Appreciation #4 Étude Op. 10, No. 12 in C minor 'Revolutionary' 革命练习曲


After knowing the failure of Poland's rebellion against Russia in 1831, Chopin created this piece, an outpouring of intense anger and passion. In the beginning, the burst of the dominant seventh chord in C minor built up the main theme. It leads to the pouring of the relentless left hand’s descending scales of sixteenth notes, which evokes anger and anxiety. The disjunct melody composed of dissonant chords and the upstream syncopation in the main melody from the right hand express perseverance and fortitude. The repeated main melody in 0:38 but with a much lower dynamic conveys more than just anxiety and perseverance but also the painful struggle. In the middle of the piece, the emotion was enhanced by three repetitions of the main melody but with more chords and higher rhythm (1:15 - 1:58). After the three progressions, we seem to be able to see the dawn of victory. The ending of this piece uses four tonic chord of C major with fortississimo. The calm, powerful, and meaningful ending seems to express Chopin’s confidence and determination of victory.

在得知波兰1831年革命失败后,肖邦创作了这首充满了强烈的愤怒和热情的作品。一开始的C小调属七和弦的爆发为整首曲子奠定了主题基调。随之而来的左手十六分音符快速倾泻,唤起了愤怒和焦虑的心情。右手的由不协和和弦以及上升的附点音符组成的主旋律表达了刚硬的毅力。在视频中的0:38,更低音量的主要旋律的重复不仅传达了焦虑和毅力,还传达了痛苦的斗争。在乐曲的中间,通过更多的和弦和更强的节奏来演示三次主旋律(1:15-1:58)充分增强的情感。经过这三个加强的主旋律的推进,我们似乎能够看到胜利的曙光。作为一首C小调乐曲,这首乐曲的结尾却使用了C大调的四音和弦和最强音fff, 如此有力的大调结尾似乎表达了肖邦的信心和胜利的决心。

I have read a book that says that Chopin dedicated his music and whole heart to his motherland without reservation. He once wrote: “Sometimes I can only groan, suffer, and pour out my despair at the piano!” I believe the highest state of the art is the infusion of emotion. The artworks of Chopin are like a living person, with blood, flesh, and soul.

肖邦毫无保留地将他的音乐和真挚的心献给了祖国。他曾经写道:“有时候我只能呻吟,受苦,并把我的绝望倾泻在钢琴上!” 我相信最先进的钢琴技术永远是情感的注入。肖邦的作品就像一个活着的人,有着鲜血,肉体和灵魂。




















英年早逝又或是天妒英才,有成就的人都是这个命运吧! 据波兰《共和国报》11日报道,波兰科学院教授、粘稠物(胰管)堵塞病波兰工作组组长米哈乌·维特说,在肖邦死后对其遗体进行的检查中,并没有发现肺病的典型病变,而是发现了相当严重的心脏病症,这表明肖邦的直接死因可能是由粘稠物(胰管)堵塞病而引发的呼吸循环系统功能衰竭。 粘稠物(胰管)堵塞病是一种幼儿易患的遗传病症。1938年才被发现,1989年才被确认发病基因为CFTR。尽管只是一个基因发生病变,但这种病症却能够伤害整个人体系统和器官。很久以前,人们把这种病误以为肺病、肠炎、肝病或胰腺炎。 维特教授说,肖邦的妹妹艾米丽亚14岁时因患同类病症而去世,因此有理由怀疑,肖邦的父母亲可能拥有CFTR基因。 维特教授还指出,这种疾病使得肖邦骨瘦如柴,四肢无力。演奏后,肖邦往往累得自己无力离开演出大厅。除此以外,这种疾病往往使男子丧失生育能力。肖邦与有子女的乔治·桑夫人共同生活了多年,肖邦也一直没有后代




