

1. 2077启示录 (Cyberpunk 2077)

2. 夺魂之城 (Night City)


3. 荒野搏斗 (The Badlands)

4. 人类的灰暗时刻 (Humanity's Dark Moment)

5. 佣兵之路 (The Road of Mercenaries)

6. 科技的边缘 (The Edge of Technology)

7. 禁区之谜 (Mystery of the Forbidden Zone)

8. 幕后黑手 (The Phantom Hand Behind the Scenes)

9. 追求力与变革 (Pursuit of Power and Change)

10. 破碎的世界 (Broken World)

11. 机械之手 (The Hand of the Machine)

12. 难民与流放者 (Refugees and Exiles)

13. 暗黑团伙 (Dark Gangs)

14. 人性的探索 (Exploration of Human Nature)

15. 逃亡之路 (The Road of Escape)