


  1. hand on与hand in的区别?
  2. by hand要加s吗?
  3. handsome由来?
  4. fine是什么词性?
  5. 沙尘暴英语作文带汉语?

hand on与hand in的区别?

hand on和hand in的区别是意思、用法、侧重点的不同。hand on是转发或传递的意思,这个词组的on是副词,on表示继续。hand in作名词时意思是手,转化为动词则表示交付、递、传递。?


扩展资料 例句Please hand in your homework in time.请及时上交作业。Lets work hand in hand。让我们携手合作吧。Theory should go hand in hand with practice。理论应与实际结合。You must to hand in hand with us。你们必须和我们步调一致。

by hand要加s吗?


adv. 用手

The fabric was painted by hand.


The lamb had to be brought up by hand.这只小羊要用奶瓶喂养。

The note was delivered by hand.


Silk handkerchiefs embroidered by hand sell well in the Western market.


It was written by hand.


All work is done by hand.



?该词由 hand 加形容词后缀 -some 构成。由于它早巳丧失了原始词义,所以一般人对其理据就很难埋解。

在亨利八世时代(1509 - 1547) handsome 是 handy (近便的)或 easy to handle (易于操纵)的意思。 16世纪20年代有位作家谈到德国人的长剑不如罗马短剑那样灵便,就用了 handsome 一词来表示“灵便的”。

最先将这个词用于今义的当数英国诗人斯宾塞( Edmund Spenser ,1552 - 1599)和英国剧作家、诗人莎士比亚。他们在16世纪90年代用 handsome 来表示“(男子)漂亮的”。它的另两个词义:“精巧的”(如 a handsome piece of work )和“可观的”(如 a handsome tip )原先仅用于美国英语,但如今可能也已在整个英语世界通用了。



A?fine?view can be seen from the house .从这所房子处可一览优美景色。

That was a?fine?meal if ever there was one !那确实是一顿丰盛的饭。

A?fine?for this offence is automatic .对于这种过失,罚款是必然的。

The amount of the?fine?must be specified .罚款之金额必须明文规定。

The letter was written in a strong,?finehand .信上的笔迹有力,洒脱。

The opening ceremony was a?finespectacle .开幕式典礼是个壮观的场面。

She paid the?fine?under protest .她争执一番后,无可奈何地缴纳了罚金。

It was a safe and?fine?place to bathe .这里是安全美妙的天然浴场。

He loves angling on a?fine?summer day .他喜欢在晴朗的夏日去垂钓。

The hill commands a?fine?distant view .从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景。


Duststorms are becoming a great concern for both the public and the government in recent years. Every spring overwhelming sands and dust sweep the northern part of China, blocking out the sky, enshrouding cities and villages, bring much inconvenience and problems to people's lives and work. In some regions, sandstorms have caused great loss in both people's lives and properties.

Duststorms are largely created by man himself. On the one hand, too much air pollution causes a greenhouse effect, which, in turn, leads to global wanning in climate. This results in wet places on the earth even wetter and dry places even drier. On the other hand, over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, strip mining all leave theland unprotected. When the wind blows, it blows away topsoil and loose soil.

Duststorms are another punishment nature gives to mankind. We must be alert to this ecological alarm. We should not only take effective measures to stop duststorms but also draw some lessons from it. We should not "develop" the local economy at the cost of the natural environment.


