1. 神圣天赋树(Holy)
- 5/5 意志之力(Improved Will of the Forsaken)
- 5/5 神圣专注(Divine Focus)
- 2/2 治疗祷言(Healing Prayers)
- 2/2 治疗祷言强化(Improved Healing Prayers)
- 3/3 神圣专精(Holy Specialization)
- 1/1 真言术:韧(Divine Spirit)
- 5/5 神圣之灵(Spiritual Guidance)
- 1/1 神圣化身(Holy Nova)
2. 惩戒天赋树(Discipline)
- 5/5 神圣之力(Holy Reach)
- 5/5 神圣意志(Spirit of Redemption)
- 3/3 意志专注(Mental Agility)
- 2/2 智慧祝福(Blessed Recovery)
- 3/3 神圣恢复(Spiritual Healing)
- 1/1 真言术:盾(Power Word: Shield)